The objective of this symposium is to bring together researchers, entrepreneurs and program directors from industry, university and government to create an innovation ecosystems on the related areas of cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, edge computing, and Internet of Things (IoT). In particular, we want to pair high-tech start-ups and university labs to create disruptive innovations and foster bold entrepreneurship. This year’s symposium focuses on developing a NSF innovation engine in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) with the technical theme on the related areas of cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, edge computing, and Internet of Things (IoT). The founding members of the NSF innovation engine include Augusta University (lead), University of Georgia, Augusta Technical College, Clark Atlanta University, Savannah River National Laboratory, US Army Cyber Command, Southeast Cyber Industry Association, Georgia Cyber Innovation and Training Center, International Economic Development Council (IEDC), Trideum, Bigbear.AI, etc.
The symposium also has sponsorship opportunity: $5000 Platinum, $2500 Gold, $1000 Silver. The sponsorship will be used to cover the food and allow more students to attend. The sponsorship company logo will be highlighted on the web page, program guide and introduction sides.
If you are interested to join the mailing list of the Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS), please subscribe to cpsfaculty+subscribe@googlegroups.com (if you are UGA faculty), or cpsindustry+subscribe@googlegroups.com (if you are from industry and other university).
The CPS symposium’24 will be on August 22, 2024 and please register at here by the end of August 2, 2024.
Wednesday August 21, 2024 (Driftmier Engineering Center, Room 1290)
6:00 – 7:30 PM Welcome Reception, Posters and Lab Demos
Thursday August 22, 2024 (Driftmier Engineering Center, Room 1240)
7:00 – 8:00 AM: Coffee and Light Breakfast
8:00 – 8:30 AM: Introduction and remarks (Chair: WenZhan Song)
- Chris King, Interim Vice President for Research, UGA
- Stephan Durham, Interim Dean, College of Engineering, UGA
- Ramaraja Ramasamy, Associate Dean of Research, College of Engineering, UGA
- Fred Beyette, Chair, School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UGA
8:30 – 9:30 AM: Keynote speech (Chair: Alex Schwarzmann)
- Talk Tile: The Art of Cyber War – Why Use-Inspired Research and Collaboration Matter
- Speaker: Eric Toler, Executive Director, Georgia Cyber Innovation & Training Center
9:30 – 10:00 AM: Coffee breaks and poster/demo
10:00 – 11:00 AM: Electric Mobility System Security (Chair: Roberto Perdisci)
· Formal Verification and Restoration for Deep Neural Network Compression, Weiming Xiang, Associate Professor, Augusta University
· Security Analysis of Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment, Le Guan, Associate Professor, UGA
· Flexible IOT Testbed for Modern Distribution Systems, Tianqi Hong, Assistant Professor, UGA.
· SafeGuard — An Intelligent Cybersecure Edge and IoT Computing System for Health and Safety Monitoring, Kevin Durkee, Principal Scientist, Aptima, Inc.
11:00 – 11:10 AM: Coffee breaks and poster/demo
11:10 – 12:10 PM: Zero-Trust IoT Data Infrastructure (Chair: Haijian Sun)
· Zero Trust Architecture for Denied, Disrupted, Intermittent, or Limited Communication Environments, Waylon Brunette, Assistant Professor, Augusta University.
· Data-Centric Zero Trust Independent of Networks, Raymond Schenk, CEO, CipherHawk, Inc.
· Stability of Blockchain Sharding Systems, Konstantin Busch, Professor, Augusta University.
· Zero-Trust Data Sharing and Computing for Healthcare, Haijian Sun, Assistant Professor, UGA.
12:10 – 1:50 PM: Lunch
1:50 – 2:50 PM: Electrical Manufacturing and Infrastructure Security (Chair: Jin Ye)
· Safeguarding Next-generation Electrical Networks and Devices via Smart Plugs, Jin Ye, Associate Professor, UGA.
· EyeDentity: Eye Reflections for Identity Authentication against Liveness and DeepFake Attacks, Sejun Song, Professor, Augusta University
· Superfast 3D Optical Sensing and Potential Applications to Cyber Physical Systems, Beiwen Li, Associate Professor, UGA
· MILAB – Capabilities: Improve Manufacturing Safety using Biometric Technologies, Thirimachos Bourlai, Professor, UGA
· MBSE based Institutional Management Digital Twins for NASA, Jubilee Rao, Principle R&D Engineer, GTC analytics
2:50 – 3:00 PM: Coffee breaks and poster/demo
3:00 – 3:55 PM: Medical Device and Data Security (Chair: Andrew Balas)
· Wearable Device Data Extraction and Forensic Analysis Model, Gokila Dorai, Assistant Professor, Augusta University
· Medical Device Security, Michael Nowatkowski, Professor, Augusta University
· Toward Trustworthy Machine Learning Under Training-Time Adversaries, Zhen Xiang, Assistant Professor, UGA.
· Security and Privacy in AioT, Yili Jiang, Assistant Professor, Georgia State University
3:55 – 5:00 PM: Panel on NSF Regional Innovation Engine (Chair: Alex Schwarzmann)
Panelists: Andrew Balas, Roy George, Eric Toler, Tammy O’Brien, Sejun Song, WenZhan Song, Hala Strohmier, Melanie Spare, Jake Elsass.
Demos, Posters and Slides:
- The slides for presentation shall be uploaded to google folder before the session starts
- The posters must be formatted to be up to 40×30 inches. Please post it before the welcome reception.
Meeting Location: Driftmier Engineering Center, Room 1240, 597 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602
Parking : The Carlton Parking Deck and South Deck on UGA Campus both have options for guest self-pay parking. A map of UGA campus is posted here, with stars highlighting the locations of Driftmier Engineering, the Carlton Parking Deck, the Georgia Center Hotel, and the South Deck.
If you have any questions on logistics, please contact Amanda Snyder.
UGA Hotel: University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel, 1197 South Lumpkin Street Athens, GA 30602-3603
Online: https://www.hotel.uga.edu/
Special Rate: $119 for a Classic Room / $149 for a Select Room
Use Booking Code: 7079
Phone: (706) 542-2134
Deadline to reserve: JULY 20, 2024. After this date any remaining rooms will revert to the hotel to sell to other guests at prevailing rates.
Notes: Parking is $10 per day with continuous in and out privileges.
There is a shuttle between UGA hotel and ATL airport, and free UGA campus bus between the hotel and meeting place (Driftmier Engineering Center).
The mission of UGA Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS) is to develop partnerships among university, industry and government on research and education in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) analytics and security, and fosters bold innovation and entrepreneurship in CPS. The CCPS center is an interdisciplinary research center in UGA committed to advancing research and education in CPS and to transitioning CPS science and technology into engineering practice and real-world applications with lasting impact. More details found here: UGA Center for Cyber-Physical Systems.
Organizing Committee:
Alex Schwarzmann, Amanda Snyder, Haijian Sun, Roberto Perdisci, Jin Ye, Andrew Balas, Frank Zahiri, Jordan Derosa, WenZhan Song
Platinum Sponsors:

The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering

National Science Foundation | Regional Innovation Engines Program
Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost