
The objective of the CPS symposium is to bring together researchers, entrepreneurs and program directors from industry, university and government to discuss the project-based collaborations (e.g., STTR/SBIR, Co-Op) and creating innovation ecosystems on the Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT), including but not limited to AI/ML, digital twin and cyber-physical security. In particular, we want to pair high-tech start-ups and university labs to pursue federal grants opportunities, create disruptive innovations and foster bold entrepreneurship. Please register to attend for our headcount and planning. It is an invitation-only event and is free to our invited attendees. Note: Registration is closed and filled to capacity.

The symposium also has sponsorship opportunity: $2000 Platinum, $1000 Gold, $500 Silver. The sponsorship will be used to cover the food and allow more students to attend. The sponsorship company logo will be highlighted on the web page, program guide and introduction sides.

If you are interested to join the mailing list of the Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS), please subscribe to cpsfaculty+subscribe@googlegroups.com (if you are UGA faculty), or cpsindustry+subscribe@googlegroups.com (if you are from industry and other university).

The CPS symposium’23 had been successfully held with 110 registered attendees. Here is the Program Guide with the Agenda and Attendees List , Photo Albums, and UGA Engineering News.


Wednesday August 23, 2023 (Driftmier Engineering Center, Room 1290)

6:00 – 7:30 PM Welcome Reception, Posters and Lab Demos
After 7:30 PM, social is recommended at Creature Comforts Downtown Taproom and Brewery, 271 W Hancock Ave, Athens, GA 30601

Thursday August 24, 2023 (Driftmier Engineering Center, Room 1240)

7-8 AM: Coffee and Light Breakfast

8-8:30 AM: Introduction and remarks (Chair: Frank Zahiri and WenZhan Song)

  • Karen Burg, Vice President for Research, UGA
  • Donald Leo, Dean of the College of Engineering, UGA
  • Fred Beyette, Director of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UGA
  • Gagan Agrawal, Director of the School of Computing, UGA

8:30 – 9:30 AM: Keynote speech (Chair: Thomas Fischer)

  • Digital Materiel Management a Transformational Journey, Mr. ROBERT B. FOOKES JR. (Director of Engineering and Technical Management, and Chief Engineer, Air Force Materiel Command).

9:30 – 10:00 AM: Coffee breaks and poster/demo

10:00 – 11:00 AM: Presentations Session 1 (Chair: Kyle Johnsen)

  • Photonic Sensing to Enable Cyber-Physical Systems, William Price, Director of Government Business, IFOS Corporation (15 minutes)
  • Zero Trust Solution for CPS (IT, OT & Cloud), Vik Chauhan, Vice President, Color Tokens (13 minutes)
  • Edlore: Streamlining Service, Maintenance, Training, and Engineering with AI-Driven Interactive 3D Manuals, Javid Vahid, President, Edlore Inc (12 minutes)
  • AI / ML Fueled Applications for Air Force Sustainment, Rob Andes, VP Systems Engineering, Shipcom Federal Systems (10 minutes)
  • CPS Control System Synthesis Tool update, George Lu, CEO, optoXense Inc. (10 minutes)

11:00 – 11:30 PM: Coffee breaks and poster/demo

11:30 – 12:30 PM: Presentations Session 2 (Chair: Haijian Sun)

  • A Flexible Integrated Intelligent Prognostic System for Machine Tool Monitoring, Brian Schaible, President, Sporain Microsystems Inc. (10 minutes)
  • Cybersecurity via Passive RF Emissions, Ken Munson, ADEC Program Manager, Nokomis (10 minutes)
  • GOLDRUSH: Guided Operational Logging of Digital Records and Understanding of System History, Kevin Durkee, Principal Scientist, Aptima Inc. (10 minutes)
  • Integrated CAM/CNC Systems for Fully Autonomous Production, Roby Lynn, Co-Founder and CEO, R2 Labs (10 minutes)
  • Deep Learning Framework for Real-Time Health and Security Monitoring of Manufacturing Systems, Jackson Cornelius, Group Leader CFD Research Corporation (10 minutes)
  • Prognostic Health Monitoring as an Enabler for Autonomous Systems, Karl Reichard, Associate Research Professor, Applied Research Lab (10 minutes)

12:30 – 1:00 PM: Lunch and remarks

  • Kyle Tschepikow, Executive Director of Business Engagement & Innovation, UGA

1:00 – 2:15 PM: Panel on NSF Regional Innovation Engine [Panelist Bio] (Chair: Alex Schwarzmann)

  • Alex Schwarzmann, Dean of School of Computer and Cyber Sciences, Augusta University
  • Sean Barnes, Director of Planning and Outreach, Cyber Center of Excellence (Ft. Gordon)
  • Jacob Cox, Solutions Architect & Augusta Site Lead, Trideum
  • Jon Dollan, President, Southeast Cyber Industry Association
  • Roy George, Chair of Department of Cyber-Physical Systems, Clark Atlanta University
  • Lindsay Roy, Group Leader of Cybersecurity and Threat Assessments, Savannah River National Lab
  • Matt Sherburne, DCO Division Chief, US Army Cyber Command
  • WenZhan Song, Chair Professor of ECE and Director of CCPS, University of Georgia
  • Eric Toler, Executive Director, Georgia Cyber Center
  • Frank Zahiri, Smart Manufacturing and Innovation Lead, Robins Air Force Base

2:15 – 2:45 PM: Coffee breaks and poster/demo

2:45 – 4:00 PM: Presentations Session 3 (Chair: Jin Ye)

  • The Cloud is so Last Year: How Edge Computing will Revolutionize Monitoring of the Defense Industrial Base, Forrest Shriver, CEO, Sentinel Devices (10 minutes)
  • Unsupervised and Adaptive Cyberphysical Anomaly Detection in Sensored Systems, Jubilee Prasad-Rao, Principal R&D Engineer, Global Technology Connection Inc. (10 minutes)
  • Zero Trust in the Modern Manufacturing Enterprise, Anusha, CEO and Founder, Corsha Inc (10 minutes)
  • Security-aware cyber-physical twin for manufacturing systems, Jin Ye, Associate Professor, University of Georgia (10 minutes)
  • Robot Twins for Computing and Autonomy, Ramviyas Parasuraman, Assistant Professor, University of Georgia (10 minutes)
  • 3D Printing with Delocalized Manufacturing for Energy, Biomedical, and Defense Applications, Kenan Song, Associate Professor, Mechanical Engineering, University of Georgia (10 minutes)
  • Stealthy Attacks on Cyber-Physical Systems, Michael Biehler, Ph.D. Candidate, Georgia Institute of Technology (10 minutes)

4:00 – 5:00 PM Round tables (breakouts in parallel)

  • AI/ML (Chair: Tianming Liu, Guoyu Lu and Qin Lu)
  • Digital twin (Chair: Kyle Johnsen and Jin Ye)
  • Security: (Chair: Roberto Perdisci and Haijian Sun)


Demos, Posters and Slides:

Meeting Location: Driftmier Engineering Center, Room 1240, 597 D. W. Brooks Drive, Athens, GA 30602

Parking Passes for Driftmier Parking: Contact Amanda Snyder no later than Aug 20th. She will email you your parking code for the Carlton Parking Deck before the event. For those who do not email for a parking code, you may still park in the Carlton Parking Deck using their onsite payment method.

If you have any questions on logistics, please contact Amanda Snyder.  


UGA Hotel:
University of Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel, 1197 South Lumpkin Street Athens, GA 30602-3603

Reservations: Online or Call for reservations with the Group Code: ECEFR23 for a 20% discount on your room. ($132 per night for August 23/24: 2 Single beds, Classic King or Classic Queen bed; or $164 per night for August 23/24, 2 Double beds). The name for this group is listed as UGA College of Engineering, CPS Symposium.

Online: https://www.hotel.uga.edu/

Phone: (706) 542-2134

Deadline to reserve: August 09, 2023 (If the rooms have not been reserved, they will be released automatically.)

Notes: Parking is $10 per day with continuous in and out privileges.

There is a shuttle between UGA hotel and ATL airport, and free UGA campus bus between the hotel and meeting place (Driftmier Engineering Center).


The industry-university-government partnership is a national trend and need. It is important to encourage the industry and university partnerships, creates breakthrough technologies; meets societal and economic needs; leads to new, high-wage jobs; and empowers all Americans to participate in the U.S. research and innovation enterprise.

The UGA Engineering and its Center for Cyber-Physical Systems have also received a NSF innovation engine award, in collaboration with Augusta University (lead) and several organizations (including Savannah River National Laboratory, US Army Cyber Command and Robins Air Force Base). This project aims to develop an engine in the Central Savannah River Area (CSRA) with the technical theme on the related areas of cybersecurity, cyber-physical systems, edge computing, and Internet of Things (IoT). Thus, this year’s CPS symposium is also a commitment of UGA in this NSF innovation engine project.

The mission of UGA Center for Cyber-Physical Systems (CCPS) is to develop partnerships among university, industry and government on research and education in Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) analytics and security, and fosters bold innovation and entrepreneurship in CPS. The CCPS center is an interdisciplinary research center in UGA committed to advancing research and education in CPS and to transitioning CPS science and technology into engineering practice and real-world applications with lasting impact. More details found here: UGA Center for Cyber-Physical Systems.

Organizing Committee:

Frank Zahiri (USAF)
WenZhan Song (UGA)
Kyle Johnsen (UGA)
Jin Ye (UGA)
Thirimachos Bourlai (UGA)
Haijian Sun (UGA)
Qin Lu (UGA)
Roberto Perdisci (UGA)
Tianming Liu (UGA)
Stephen Coshatt (UGA / USAF)
Amanda Snyder (UGA)
Jane Pinson (UGA)


Platinum Sponsors:


The College of Engineering


The School of Electrical and Computer Engineering


National Science Foundation | Regional Innovation Engines Program


Office of the Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost


Intelligent Fiber Optic Systems

Silver Sponsor:

